FFORT Submission Page

This page allows users to submit their own Fault trees, Attack Trees, and BDMPs.

Models should be in the Galileo derived format apropriate for the type of model being submitted, see: [Fault Tree format | Attack Tree format | BDMP format].

Metadata about the number of elements, gate types, and repairability will be automatically inserted by the maintainers based on the model in your Galileo file.

Ath the bottom of the page, the raw JSON format shows the exact information that will be sent to the maintainer.


 of type: 

With at least one of these gate types:

With at least one of these result types:

With this many basic elements: ≤ |BE| ≤

With this many gates: ≤ |Gates| ≤

  and added to FFORT

Model Results

New Submission

Your name:

Your e-mail address:

Model name:


Image file (optional):

By submitting an image file you confirm that this image may be shared under the CC-BY-ND license.

Original paper title:

Authors (separate by commas):



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Raw JSON (resets when other fields are changed):